Elect James K. Harrison, Jr.
Mr. James Harrison, a civic-minded and concerned citizen, seeks your support in the General Assembly Election of 1998. He is Second Vice Chair of the Silver Spring Regional Advisory Board, President of the Sligo-Branview Community Association, and a member of Repeal Personal Living Quarters.
Mr. Harrison wants to make Maryland a business friendly state, thereby providing jobs and economic opportunities. This will help increase our revenue resources and lower the individual burden.
You can help James Harrison bring to the General Assembly a new and strong voice to the people and that "could make a difference".
Mr. Harrison wants to improve the educational benefits for Montgomery County. Out of this important endeavor we can create the work force of the future, can provide the guardians of democracy and we can forge the caretakers of our heritage.
Mr. Harrison recognizes that Maryland must be pro-business. He will ensure that our regulations do not impede the growth of our economy.
Redevelopment of Silver Spring is necessary for the well-being of the whole community.
Redevelopment can not succeed unless our transportation needs are solved by innovative thinking. Our quality of life in SIlver Spring is connected to important transportation decisions in Annnapolis. Mr. Harrison clearly speaks out for the concerns of its Silver Spring citizens.
Mr. Harrison stands for zero tolerance toward crime. He feels we need to begin with the juvenile offender. If the early offenders are suitably punished, then we may be spared the problem of housing a hardened criminals later in life. He will also support a Victim's Rights amendment.
Mr. Harrison is a member of REP (Republicans for Environmental Protection). He is committed to making sensible and prudent decisions about our environment. He knows we need to balance a smart growth with an eye for benefiting both humans as well as the environment.
Mr. Harrison supports tax reduction for the average wage earner. He supports a revision of the Maryland tax code with regard to municipalities' tax rates. He sees an inequality with the way local taxes are created, collected and spent. He will continue to ensure our budgets and taxes in Annapolis are fair.
If James Harrison speaks to you, you will also want to visit:
Committee to Elect James Harrison
8804 Reading Road
Silver Spring, MD 20901
Revised 9/5/98